Current Location:Data Base-> American Studies-> American Population


Work Experience and Poverty Status for People 16 Years Old and Over(1987-2014)

According to the conditions of the search query:


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Chart Type    


The query results as follows:     
YearsClassificationValue(Thousands people or %)
2005Worked during the year┈All workers /16┈Total155,127.00
2006Worked during the year┈All workers /16┈Total157,352.00
2007Worked during the year┈All workers /16┈Total158,468.00
2008Worked during the year┈All workers /16┈Total158,317.00
2009Worked during the year┈All workers /16┈Total154,772.00
2010Worked during the year┈All workers /16┈Total153,410.00
2011Worked during the year┈All workers /16┈Total154,330.00
2012Worked during the year┈All workers /16┈Total157,050.00
2013Worked during the year┈All workers /16┈Total158,495.00
2014Worked during the year┈All workers /16┈Total159,881.00

Data Sources: U.S. Bureau of the Census