Current Location:Data Base-> American Studies


Employer Contributions for Government Social Insurance by Industry

According to the conditions of the search query:


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The query results as follows:   
YearsIndustryValue(Million dollars)
2005Employer contributions for government social insurance428,053.00
2006Employer contributions for government social insurance447,360.00
2007Employer contributions for government social insurance461,670.00
2008Employer contributions for government social insurance471,313.00
2009Employer contributions for government social insurance458,104.00
2010Employer contributions for government social insurance469,361.00
2011Employer contributions for government social insurance493,886.00
2012Employer contributions for government social insurance514,333.00
2013Employer contributions for government social insurance526,761.00
2014Employer contributions for government social insurance547,972.00
2015Employer contributions for government social insurance571,399.00
2016Employer contributions for government social insurance583,605.00

Data Sources: Bureau of Economic Analysis